Q3 Goals & Halfway Through 2020

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Happy Day After Canada Day šŸ˜‰ I know thats not a thing. I meant to get this posted yesterday but instead we spent the afternoon walking at Sir Sanford Fleming Park and BBQing dinner (partly because a bird electrocuted itself and caused our power to go out!). We played a game and watched our currently favourite TV show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 

Well, weā€™re halfway through 2020 and Iā€™m certain this year is not going the way anybody expected it to. I feel like these last few months it was so important to have goals, otherwise I could have spent the last quarter on the sofa, watching Netflix and not accomplishing anything. 

Dingle Tower and Sir Sandford Fleming Park in Halifax

Q2 Goals Recap

I didnā€™t know what to expect when I made these goals! I had no idea I would be off work for almost the entire quarter (I went back on June 5). Things didn’t go as planned, but its okay!

Stick To Grocery Budget – I wrote a few weeks ago about how our grocery spending has gone up by 38%. We didnā€™t do a great job of sticking to the budget in April and May, but got a good handle on it in June as things started to slide toward semi-normal here in Nova Scotia. 

We are still doing online grocery orders. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s contributing to our spending increasing but after shopping in store last week Iā€™m pretty determined to avoid going into the store at all costs.

Save $1500 Towards Our Car Fund – We managed to save $1314.09, which is just under $200 short of our goal. In total our car fund is sitting at $3046.55. We made a goal to save $10,000 this year, so weā€™ll have to hustle if we want to make that happen. But Iā€™m not sure we willā€¦ Iā€™ll explain more below.

New YouTube Video Weekly – This didnā€™t happen either, but I did launch a few. We had fun recreating some Disney Parks recipes! Most of them were a bit of a disaster but still tasty! Youtube went on the back burner since I launched The Travel Mug Podcast in June.

Exercise 30 Minutes A Day – In the past 3 months Iā€™ve missed 17 days of exercise, mostly on the weekend. Definitely calling that a win even though itā€™s not technically every single day, Iā€™ve been super consistent and Iā€™m happy with that

Finish A Continuing Education Course – Definitely failed here! Need to get that done soon!

Give Myself Grace – Through all of this, I didnā€™t want to be too hard on myself. The world has changed, I canā€™t expect myself to move through all of this perfectly. That said I have done a lot of stuff that wasnā€™t on my goals list like launching a podcast, painting my office space, reading books, and learning to cross stitch!


Quarter 3 Goals

Life right now in Nova Scotia is opening up again. Cases of the virus are very low, and we are able to travel within the ā€œAtlantic bubbleā€ (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland) starting tomorrow! Q3 is my favorite, since it encompasses my favorite months with the best weather. We have some plans to travel locally, this summer as long as itā€™s safe to do so. 

Save $1000 For A Deck Reno

Our deck needs to be fixed up, as some boards need to be replaced. We will be replacing all the boards and then staining the deck. We estimate it will cost around $1000. Likely this project wonā€™t get done until later in the summer or early fall, so weā€™ll be saving over the next few months.

Finish CEU Course

As this didnā€™t get finished last quarter, I really need to get this done. It is required by my job to complete continuing education every year!

Shop At More Locally Owned Stores

Supporting local businesses has been a focus for me over the past few months. As I outlined in my recent post Yes, It Matters Where You Spend Your Money, I want to focus on using my spending to vote for the kind of world I want. 

Instead of buying coffee at Costco, last week I picked up some locally roasted coffee, yes it was more expensive, but it tastes great and Iā€™m okay with the price increase to support a local business instead of a billion dollar corporation. In the next 3 months Iā€™d like to buy more local fruits and veggies, and look more into local alternatives for things we already buy.


Go Offline 1 Day Per Week

This one is probably going to be the hardest for me. Like most people, my phone is always with me. I have been feeling the negative effects of being on social media too much lately. The ā€œcomments sectionsā€ where I canā€™t help but read all of the hateful opinions of some leave me sad and angry.

Going offline for me means not using social media for the day, Iā€™ll still be using my phone for texts & calls. Iā€™ll likely still use the internet to write and work on this blog though. 

2020 Update

Since Iā€™ve made my big 2020 goals, a lot has changed! I thought Iā€™d give you a quick update on how these things are goingā€¦

Save $10,000 For A New Car 

Well as I said above, we are behind on this goal, but Iā€™m actually not that worried about it. Mostly because we arenā€™t driving very much and I think our current car will last longer than I originally thought. Weā€™re still going to work toward this goal but it wonā€™t be our main focus.

Plant Trees For Every Flight

Well, we havenā€™t flown anywhere! I have been thinking about how we can still reduce our carbon footprint, which has led to us shopping locally and continuing to buy second hand. Iā€™m also going to donate for road trips longer than 2 hours. I will keep track of these and then donate at the end of the year. 

Read 12 Books

So far Iā€™ve read 6, so Iā€™m exactly on track! I just started a new book this week, The Power Of Ritual and itā€™s amazing! It was written by one of the hosts of one of my favorite podcasts, Harry Potter & The Sacred Text. I’m excited to turn some habits into rituals!

Run/Walk 1000km

Since January 1 Iā€™ve walked 604.39km. This doesnā€™t include regular walking around the house/ at work, it only includes going for deliberate walks. Since Iā€™ve been walking on average 6 days a week, Iā€™m on track to meet this goal a bit early! 

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it! A great big update on all of my goals. If youā€™ve read this far, thanks for sticking with me šŸ˜‰ Let me know what goals you are working on!


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