Not feeling motivated to save money after paying off debt? Me either! Here are the reasons why we should save and how to make it a habit. Life after debt definitely hasn’t been exactly what I thought it would be (well obviously, I didn’t see a global pandemic coming at me). After paying off $26,500 […]
I have partnered with and was provided with a mattress in exchange for my thoughts. My opinions are my own. There are affiliate links in this post; if you choose to purchase I will get a small commission with no extra cost to you! Thanks for supporting the brands that support us at Will […]
Given that we are about 10 weeks into the state of emergency here in Nova Scotia, and I have been off work for 11 weeks, I thought it would be interesting to look at our budget before the pandemic and compare it to what it’s currently like. Let me tell you, this was an eye […]
Overwhelmed by your money? Here’s tips on how to best organize your personal finances with simple steps to take back control. Spring has sprung, and that always has me thinking about spring cleaning! Have you ever considered organizing your financial life part of spring cleaning? Finances can be overwhelming to most of us, papers can […]