Be Willing To Be Different

Finance Paying Off Debt || ||

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How many of you think that it’s possible to live life without debt? 2 years ago I certainly didn’t think it was possible. When we’re young we’re taught that we’ll need a student loan for college/ university, a loan for a car, a mortgage for our house. Debt is so normal that we just accept the fact that we need it to live a “normal” life. When I started this journey a year and a half ago, I started meeting people that live without debt, and I realized that I had to be willing to be different in order to live the life I wanted.

Pay Off Your Debt

The first step to being outside the norm is getting out of debt. We are getting close to the end of our debt repayment journey and I’m SO excited! You need to decide that debt is no longer an acceptable way to get the things you want. We still use credit cards but always pay the balance, and since credit card debt was never our thing, we decided we felt okay keeping them. If you’re in credit card debt, you may want to cut those things up while you get a handle on things!

Pay Cash For Your Car

This seems crazy but hear me out on this: you do not need to have a car payment. I know car payments are widely considered a “normal” part of life, but what else could you do with a couple hundred dollars a month? We plan to save for a new car after our debt is gone.

Dave Ramsey advises people to pay cash for a “beater” car, then keep saving. When you have enough, trade in your beater car and use the trade in value plus the cash you’ve saved to buy a nicer one. You can do that until you have the car you want!

Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

Not many people can save enough to buy a house in cash, but you don’t have to have a mortgage for 25 years! Even paying your mortgage biweekly instead of monthly shaves years off your amortization period. Buying a smaller home helps too!

Go Without “Normal” Things

How much money do we spend on things so that we “fit in”? Or look good on instagram or whatever? I used to spend a lot of money on things that were popular, but now I’m looking for quality.  

Live like no one else until you can live like no one else Click To Tweet

What are you willing to change to be financially free?


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