10 Personal Finance Quotes To Inspire You

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It’s been almost a year that we started paying off our debt more aggressively. Some months feel easy like we are coasting and some months are harder. A lot of months 20-25% of our take home pay is going on our debt. I keep visualizing what we’ll do when the debt is gone and we can do what we want with that money! Some months (like the past few) I feel frustrated with our lack of progress and I’m ready to move on to the next step. I needed some inspiration to remind me why we are doing this so I put together these personal finance quotes:

My Favourite Personal Finance Quotes

Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing from your future self. – Nathan W. Morris

We didn’t get into debt by going shopping crazy, but any kind of debt will rob you of future income. Student debt was necessary for us but it’s a good reminder not to just rush into getting a loan for a car, big purchase etc. because you’ll be stuck with payments for a while.

You can’t get out of debt while keeping the same lifestyle that got you there. – Dave Ramsey

You have to make changes in order to pay off debt. We started budgeting, and had to cut back on spending. We even did a no spend month in order to reign in our spending!

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. – Warren Buffett

A good reminder that someone who is financially free is probably that way because a long time ago they started investing and paying off their debt. It likely didn’t happen overnight!

Give me a break, if you say “I don’t have time” that’s a politically correct way to say “this is not a priority” – Ramit Sethi

I love Ramit, and he’s full of truth bombs. Every time I say to myself that I don’t “have time” to do something I reframe it by saying “_______ is not a priority to me” and I see if it changes how I feel. You may think that you don’t have time to budget, workout, read, etc. but really if you made it a priority you’d probably be surprised how much time you have!

Like personal finance quotes? Check out my fav personal finance books!

Retirement is not an old person thing; it’s a smart person thing – Chris Hogan

I’m sure a lot of people are with me in believing that you work until you turn 60 (or 55 if you are lucky!) and then retire. Well that all changed when I started reading about the “FIRE” community (financial independence, retire early). You don’t have to be old to retire! If you invest early, you can retire when YOU want!

“You can have everything you want. All you need is a plan. And how do we spell plan? B-U-D-G-E-T!” –Gail Vaz-Oxlade

All personal finance comes back to the budget. I’ve really learned to love the budget. Some months are hard to realize where we spent our money. But it’s been an eye opening process and it feels good to know where our money is going!

Comparison is the death of all joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday. – Rachel Hollis

Who else has been caught in the comparison trap? Scroll through Instagram or Pinterest and all of a sudden you need a whole new wardrobe, redecorate your house and book a luxury vacation because that’s what everyone else is doing right? It’s so easy to get caught in the highlight reel of social media. A lot of days I have to “check myself” and realize that we have more clothes and home décor than we need, and I should just try to be a better person than I was yesterday instead of trying to keep up to people I follow on social media.

Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want. – Anna Lappe

I talked about this a little bit in my post about buying quality items that last. We are trying to buy more from companies that don’t test on animals, and treat workers fairly. I want to support companies that protect the environment, and I don’t want to support companies that exploit workers.

Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. – Oprah

I have to keep reminding myself of this. Right now we are doing what we have to do. We are working, putting money on our debt and heading in the right direction. Someday because we did what we had to, we will be able to drink coffee on our deck and then maybe head to Magic Kingdom in the afternoon 😉

The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms – Chris Brogan

At the end of the day the number in your bank account doesn’t REALLY matter. The goal is to have “enough” to be able to do what you want to do with your life. I want to travel, work less and spend lots of time with my husband, my dog and our family.

The goal isn't more money the goal is living life on your terms

Are there any great personal finance quotes that help you when you’re feeling stuck and unmotivated? Share with me in the comments!

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10 Personal Finance Quotes For When You're Uninspired | #personalfinance #inspiringquotes

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