Why You Should Invest In Yourself

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A lot of times you’ll read personal finance blogs about spending less money, but today I want to talk about when spending money is the best thing that you can do. When you’re investing in yourself, you’re improving your life, health and future. What are the ways you can invest in yourself?


Getting any form of education is almost always a good investment in yourself. Education doesn’t always mean a university degree though, it could be an online class, community college, a workshop, etc. I’ve taken many workshops and courses as a massage therapist that have helped me be more valuable to my clients and helped me make more money. As a blogger I’ve paid for a business coach and courses to help me grow this blog.

graduating university

Self Care

Self care means something different to everyone, but it’s so important. You can’t pour from an empty cup. I invest in my physical and mental health by getting massages, taking regular baths and buying healthy food. Your gym membership, or chiropractic appointments are an investment in your health and well worth the cost!


Insurance seems like a weird way to invest in yourself, but I am comfortable knowing that we have life insurance, so that if something happened to one of us, the mortgage wouldn’t be a burden to the other.


It’s no secret I love traveling, but is it a way to invest in yourself? We think so! We’ve learned so much about the world and ourselves by travelling regularly. It’s also an investment in our marriage relationship by spending time together. Win-win!


Spending Time With People You Love

Any time you spend with people you love is time well spent. Spend money on experiences with them like trips, concerts and dinner dates!

Saving For The Future

If you’ve been reading this blog you know I’m about to encourage you to save for retirement. It’s so important that you plan for this stage of your life. Saving for retirement will take a burden off your family when the time comes that you can no longer work. Plus if you start saving now, you’ll be able to have some fun when you retire!

couple in retirement

What other ways do you invest in yourself?

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Why You Should Invest In Yourself | #investing #money

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