Q2 2021 Goals & Life Update

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Wow! Quarter 2 of 2021 has started and I’m in a whole new house!

So much has changed since I last wrote my Quarter 1 goals way back in January. I officially moved back to my hometown as of last week. We got the keys to our new (but very old) house and have been slowly unpacking and putting things away. Also slowly starting some renovation projects.

I can FINALLY share photos of my house, and I’ll be doing an entire walkthrough post very soon.

Curved staircase with round colourful window. Color is reflected on the stairs

Quarter 1 Recap

Pack To Move

Well we did it! Obviously because we’ve moved haha!! It was down to the wire and I wish I had been a bit more organized. We hired movers which was an amazing decision. They picked up all our stuff and stored it on a truck for a few days before delivering it to our new house AND placing all of it in the rooms where we wanted it to go. Mostly a great experience but I’m definitely ready to stay in one place for quite a while.

Packed boxes in a room with grey walls

Strength Train 3 Days A Week

I’ve averaged about 3 days a week of strength training since January, which I’m really proud of! I’ve been taking online fitness classes with Journey To Wellness with Deborah Peddle-Hann, and I find them really fun and I love that I can do them at home, either live or on the replay. I definitely intend to continue with this habit.

Drink Water

Oh water. I’ve not been 100% at drinking water but I’m always trying to keep it at the front of my mind. Hoping it gets easier as I get more into a routine at my new house.

1 Blog Post Per Week

Welp, that was a major fail! I think I only wrote 5 blog posts in all of Q1. Honestly I just let the blog take the back burner while getting ready to move, and officially launching my Virtual Assistant business about a month ago. 

Lots of home renovation blogs coming at you soon! 

Quarter 2 2021 Goals

Get to Inbox Zero

I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many emails are sitting in my various inboxes. I definitely let them build up, and sometimes miss some important emails. I’ve been meaning to clean up my inbox for a while, but what pushed me over the edge was seeing how all my unread emails harm the environment.

You might think that an email is being stored “online” and has no effect on the physical world, but in fact every single email that exists is stored on a server. Servers are physical structures that require massive amounts of energy 27/7. They also need water, or air conditioning for cooling. Each email actually puts an estimated 0.3g ( and up to 50g for those large attachments) of C02 into the atmosphere! 

So I’ll be cleaning up my inbox to reduce my overwhelm AND my carbon footprint.

Sign On 2 More Virtual Assistant Clients

I don’t always talk business on here with you in my goals, but after 10 years I am sitting my massage therapy career aside to focus on my new virtual assistant business. I manage social media, and time-sucking tasks for my clients so that they are free to focus on other things in their business. I would like to bring on 2 more clients to fill up my schedule

P.S. Does this seem like something you need? Get all the info you need here!

Finish My FB Ads Course

I started a Facebook Ads course WAAAYYY back at the end of January. With so much going on, it also got put on the back burner, so it’s time to finish up that course so that I can start offering that service to my virtual assistant clients.

Continue With Strength Training

I really don’t want to fall off this wagon! Going to set aside time in my schedule to do 3 classes per week, with some walks for cardio thrown in as well. It’s lighter in the evenings now, and getting a bit warmer out there, so it will be nice to get outside.

That’s All For Now!

Honestly just getting to inbox-zero is going to be a task, so I better get to work! I will have lots of new blog posts for you about our move, my career change, our new house and some travel and finance stuff too! Chat soon,

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