Great Big 2020 Goals

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This is my third year making some big goals for the year. I find having some big goals for the year gives me a direction and keeps me on track. This year I also chose a word to help guide me through the year: Consistency. Before I get into my new goals for 2020 I’d like to reflect back on my big 2019 goals!

My Great Big 2020 Goals

2019 Recap

My first big goal was a health goal to start running again. I had taken some time off running and decided that I wanted to get back into it. Originally I wanted to run the Bluenose 10K in June, but I decided to do The Epic Canadian on July 1st instead. I trained and race day came; it was cold and wet and I didn’t feel completely prepared but my husband ran (walked too) beside me the whole way. I’m not sure I love running right now, so I’m not sure when the next race would be in my future, although I do really want to do a RunDisney event!

Our finance goal was a bit odd, I decided to focus on net worth instead of strictly debt repayment, although we did become debt free in July! Becoming debt free has obviously had a positive impact on our net worth as well. In June 2019 we hit my original net worth goal by getting to $80,000, so I upped the goal to $90,000 and today we are sitting at $111,531.92!! 

Finally I wanted to focus on something outside of money, which is the environment. Plastic pollution is a huge problem and I wanted to start doing something about it. I made a goal to reduce the amount of single use plastic that we use. Which lead me to discover Stop Trashing It, and becoming one of their ambassadors. Connecting with this group has helped me in so many ways; everyone comes with different life experience and ideas. 

reusable cutlery

I was not perfect at reducing plastic, far from it, but I made progress that I am really happy about. We started buying more at bulk stores, I took reusable cutlery to Disney World and I continue to look for more sustainable options for our everyday items. This is a work in progress but I know I’ll continue to improve!

2020 Goals

I think this year I’ll breakaway from my usual “health, finance, other” formula and try something different. Before I made these goals I thought about what I want my life to look like a year from now, and what I need to do to get there. My husband and I chatted about the upcoming year, what we want to do and where we want to go. 

Save $10,000 Toward A New Car

Our trusty car cost us a bit in 2019, but hopefully since half it’s parts are new it will keep running for a while! My husband and I share a 9 year old car, and plan to drive it into the ground but we know we’ll need a new car eventually. I don’t want to take on a large car payment so we’ll be saving for a new car when the time comes. To save $10,000 we will have to save $384.62 per pay, or less than that plus some bonus money! I think we can do it, we need a challenge!

Plant Trees For Every Flight We Take

You probably have guessed that the environment is important to me. Last year we focused on reducing plastic, which I will continue to do but I wanted to go a step further. I know traveling increases my carbon footprint so I decided to plant trees to minimize the impact I have on the planet by plane travel. I found Tree Canada’s Grow Clean Air program, which allows me to put in my flight information and they will calculate how many trees to plant in order to offset the carbon emissions. I have lots of travel plans for 2020 so there will be lots of trees planted!

Tree Hugging in Cape Split Nova Scotia

Read 12 Books

I love reading, but some days it’s just too easy to scroll. I want to read 12 books this year, which is only 1 a month – easily do-able! If you have any amazing book recommendations let me know!

Run / Walk 1000km

I haven’t been running too often, but I have been walking! I want to make sure I continue to run and walk this year so I joined the Great Canadian Running Challenge to run/walk/jog 1000km. Part of the challenge is it has to be intentional exercise, not just walking around the house.

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