Sunshine Blogger Award

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Share The Love!

Thank you so much Lau Family Travels for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger award! I didn’t know it when I started blogging, but the friendships and connections I’ve made along the way have been one of my favorite parts! It’s so awesome to cheer each other on and watch each other grow.

What Is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

The basis of the Sunshine Blogger Award is for bloggers to recognize other bloggers who are positive, creative, and inspiring. It is also a way to meet new bloggers, help spread the word about different bloggers, and just spread some sunshine in general!

The Rules

There are a few rules to the Sunshine Blogger Award and nominations, as to get to know and discover fellow bloggers. These are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to her /his blog.
  2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and write them 11 questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger award logo in your post on your blog.

The Questions

1.When did you start blogging & why?

I started blogging about a year ago, we just had our first birthday in July! I wanted to share my love of travel with people, and I was ready to take control of our finances and help others do the same. I hope I’ve inspired people along the way!

2. What would you do with 1 million dollars?

Oh man, what would a personal finance blogger do with a million dollars? I would pay off the rest of our debt, then invest and of course take an amazing vacation with family and friends!

3. What tools do you use the most for your blog?

Probably tailwind, a scheduling app for Pinterest so I don’t spend a million hours on there everyday. I also like Answer The Public for brainstorming topics.

4. If you could go on a vacation anywhere (all expenses paid) where would you choose?

Right now I’d say South of France and Spain. That could change tomorrow!

5. What is your biggest struggle when it comes to blogging?

Of course I struggle with feeling insecure. I put a lot of myself out there for this blog, especially about our finances. I was worried when I first started about people being too critical but that hasn’t really been an issue!

6. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

The friends I’ve made and the people I’ve connected with! It really is a supportive community of bloggers, that’s something really special

7. If you could pick a song to be the theme song of your life what would it be?

“A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” I love this song! Reminds me to keep dreaming and working towards that dream.

8.What was your favorite vacation you’ve been on?

I think my husband, family and friends would expect me to say one of our Disney vacations! I love Disney so much, the thought of going makes me giddy. But one of my favorite vacations was a quick trip to New York City to see my husband’s best friend get married. It was such a fun trip, just full of laughing and eating and drinking! I’ll always remember that trip as being so happy.

9. Where do you see your blog in the next 5 years?

I really want to continue to grow and reach more people! I have some exciting ideas that I’m not quite ready to share yet!

10.What is your favorite social media site?

I’m such a Facebook addict! I love seeing what people are up to.

11. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself!

  1. My favorite color is blue! It’s everywhere in my house. I think it’s because I love the water/ ocean so much.
  2. I really want to go to Antarctica.
  3. One of my biggest dreams in life is to write a book.

My Nominees:

  1. Travarela
  2. VeraVise
  3. Oh Sweet Disney
  4. Mickey Chatter
  5. My Alternate Life
  6. Let’s Get Tripsy
  7. Nomad By Trade
  8. Castle Party
  9. Two Drifters
  10. A Great Big Hunk Of World
  11. Kait Around The Kingdom

My 11 questions

  1. How did you choose what topic you would blog about?
  2. What is your favorite item you own and why?
  3. Where would you travel if you were given an all expenses paid vacation?
  4. What is the best thing you’ve eaten while traveling?
  5. What would you do with a million dollars?
  6. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  7. Where would you live if money was no object?
  8. What’s your favorite book?
  9. What do you love about blogging?
  10. What’s your biggest blogging struggle?
  11. Window seat, middle seat or aisle seat while flying?

Spread the sunshine!

It’s been so fun to connect with and nominate other bloggers! I love spreading the sunshine with other people who I know work hard on their blogs. If nothing else comes from my blogging, the people I’ve connected with is all worth it.

One response to “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Taryn says:

    I loved reading your answers!!

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