Free Things To Do In Halifax

Posted on: March 3, 2020 at 12:01 pm, in:

Looking for some free things to do in Halifax? Sometimes you need to get out of the house but there’s just no money left in the fun account, or maybe you’re doing a no spend month! Luckily there are way more free things to do in Halifax than I thought! Here are all the free things I could find: (more…)

My Favorite Items That Reduce Plastic

Posted on: February 18, 2020 at 10:04 am, in:

Reducing plastic can be a big undertaking, but with these items, life is a little bit easier! Here are some ways I reduce plastic in our home.

I have been making 3 big goals in January to help guide me through the year, and in the last 2 years one of my focuses has been to reduce my carbon footprint and the amount of plastic / single use items that we use. This has led me to being an ambassador for Stop Trashing It; where I write a blog post monthly for them about our monthly theme.  (more…)

Tidal Bore Rafting – A Unique Nova Scotia Adventure

Posted on: February 12, 2020 at 9:49 am, in:

If you’re looking for a truly unique Nova Scotia experience, then Tidal Bore rafting might be for you! Mention those words to anyone outside of the maritimes and they likely have no idea what you are talking about! We have done it a few times and it’s always one of those laugh-until-your-face-hurts experiences. But what is tidal bore rafting? First we need to talk about the Bay of Fundy… (more…)