April Goals and Update

Goals || ||

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So I’ve decided to give up blogging… APRIL FOOLS! Happy April my friends, I hope the Spring weather has found you. Yesterday it was warmish and sunny, today rain, so that’s definitely Spring. I have some really exciting things to share with you, but first here is a recap of my March goals:

Health Goal: Run outside, and I’m happy to say I’ve been out 5 times and each time feels a little better. Yesterday was 4km and it was just so nice to be running in a T-shirt again!

Finance Goal: My taxes aren’t done yet but I haven’t boughten fast food or take out coffee since February. Part of the reason for this is finances of course, but also I have become an ambassador for Stop Trashing It, which is an initiative to stop the use of single use plastics. On my runs I notice a lot of garbage on the side of the road, and most of it is takeout cups sadly. I plan to pretty much eliminate takeout cups from my life, except while traveling, in which case I hope to bring a travel mug as well!

Other Goal: Announce my secret project, well it’s not quite finished but will be soon! I’ll be sharing it with you in April.

Exciting News!

Before I share my April goals with you I have something super exciting to announce: THE NATIONAL STUDENT LOAN IS PAID OFF! When we started aggressively paying off the debt, the National Student Loan was sitting at $21.009.14, and costing us over $2 a day in interest!

Our only debt left (besides the mortgage of course) is the Provincial student loan which is currently sitting at $4012.30 – how much do I wish we had paid an extra $15 last month so it’s under $4000?! We are hoping to be super aggressive to get rid of this, especially with a 3 pay month coming up in May. If you’re following me on Instagram, you’ll know I’ve been getting super impatient with it and I’m so ready for it to be over!

April Goals

Health Goal: I’ve made a training plan as I plan to run the 10K at the Bluenose this year which is June 9th. I know it’s possible as I’ve done it before, so I’m up to the challenge.

Finance Goal: We’ve decided to do a cash budget for groceries this month. We’ve been going over budget on food for a while and we need to break the habit. Cash will help us make sure we stay in budget for the month. It will also help if I meal plan so that we know what we’re eating and eliminate last minute trips to the store.

Other Goal: Organize! I have been taking Your Tailored Haven’s organization course and I’m ready to put it into action. With her help we are creating a system so that everything in our home has a place. This past weekend I went through all my clothes and I’ve been slowly going through the kitchen and removing things we don’t need.

Net Worth Update

Not as much change this month as not as much went onto the debt as we have been. Excited for the next few months as I am crossing my fingers that we pay off the debt in June!

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