Why I Love Disney

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Because it’s magic.

If you’ve been around this blog for a while, you’ve definitely read some Disney World posts. Some friends ask me why I love visiting Disney so much…. If you’re a “Disney person” then you know. But if you haven’t been to the most magical place on earth, or if you have but you don’t get the obsession… Here’s my attempt at an explanation.

Fundamentally, I love Walt. My husband can attest that just hearing Walt’s voice can make me cry. Walt came from nothing. He was not rich. He came from a small town, and he struggled financially for a long time. But Walt always dreamed big, not letting the financial struggles hold him back from the things he wanted to accomplish.

Disneyland Paris Walt Friendship Statue

The Partners Statue at Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris

He, partnered with his brother Roy, created moving pictures, with sound. And then he set his sights on a place where families could be together, in a safe place that is clean and offers something for the children and adults.

I have always loved the movies. We had an extensive VHS collection (that I still have and still add to when I uncover hidden gems while thrifting). I also love the story behind the movies, how they came up with them, and how they are animated.

I was 13 when I finally got to visit Disney World. Even as a moody teenager I loved it. We had an amazing family trip. My husband and I went to Disney on our first vacation in 2011. It was so great to be back after 8 years, and as an adult.

2003 Toon Town, Magic Kingdom Park

2003, My first trip! Meeting Mickey in now demolished Toon Town

As I got older I started to appreciate the details instead of just the rides. The sounds that change when you move between “lands”, the smells that are piped in, the entire sensory experience. 

To me, that is how Disney is different from other theme parks. I also need to mention the Cast Members, because they are the ones who bring the magic to life. Everyone from the janitors and housekeepers to the servers and the parade performers, Imagineers and executives. They make magic everyday. 

Chatting with Mickey, December 2019

That’s why I love Disney, and will keep going back.


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